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Pre-nursey, nursery and preparatory

Salunke Vihar Campus
08:15 am- Reporting Time.
08:40 am to 12:20 pm- Academics
12:30 pm- Departure Time

Class I TO XII

Urli Devachi Campus
07:00 am- Reporting Time
8:00 am to 01:10 pm- Academics
1:40 pm- Departure Time

Administrative office hours:

Monday to Saturday as per prior appointment. Appointments may be in-person or virtual.

Principal’s visiting hours:

Monday to Friday as per prior appointment. Appointments may be in-person or virtual.

NOTE: Parents / Guardians / Escorts are requested to receive and take responsibility for children when they are dropped off at the school and taken from the school.


It is compulsory for all pupils to wear the prescribed School Uniform. Pupils who do not conform to the dress regulations given below will not be permitted to attend classes and may also be sent home. The uniform is as follows:

Play-Group / Pre-Nursery / Nursery / Prep:

Boys: Checked Dungarees, Red Shirts, White Socks, Black Leather Laced Shoes and Wrist Band.
Girls: Checked Dungarees, Red Shirts, White Socks, Black Leather Buckled Shoes, Red Ribbons / Clips and Wrist Band.

Class I, II, III and IV

Boys: Checked Shorts, Red Shirts, White Socks, Black Leather Laced Shoes and Ties and Wrist Band.
Girls: Checked Wrap-around Skirts, Red Shirts, White Socks, Black Leather Buckled Shoes, Red Ribbons or Clips Ties, and Wristband.

Class V, Vl, VII, Vlll, IX and X:

Boys: Light Blue Shirts, Navy Blue Trousers, White Socks, Black Leather Shoes and Ties and Wrist Band.
Girls: Light Blue Shirts, Checked Wrap-around Skirts, White, Black Leather Buckled Shoes, Red Ribbons or Clips, Ties and Wrist Band.


The Principal can, in the interest of the school and without assigning any reason, ask a parent to remove a pupil, should the pupil’s conduct or influence, in the Principal’s opinion, be in any way detrimental to the good name and smooth running of the school.

  1. Bullying, IN ANY FORM, will not be tolerated
  2. Children must come in clean uniforms and those who do not come in proper school uniforms will be punished/sent home. Any pupil shabbily -or untidily dressed will be sent home. Special attention must be paid to the hair.
  3. A pupil coming to school with nits or lice in his / her hair will be given two warnings after which the child will be given a crew cut in the school.
  4. Pupils suffering from infectious diseases or those who have been exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the certificate by the school doctor.
  5. Girls are expected to come with hair neatly combed, plaited and tied, if long with red ribbons only. Hair should not fall over the forehead. No jewelry should be worn with the school uniform.
  6. Boys must have a proper hair cut regularly and no mushroom haircut. If not, they will be given a haircut in school.
  7. Any books, periodicals, magazines, comics or pictures of any kind not approved by the school will be confiscated.
  8. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual late-coming and lack of interest in school work, disobedience or objectionable moral influence, justifies dismissal. Pupils ought to be, by their exemplary conduct, a credit to their school, both in and out of it.
  9. Students using abusive language or behaving in a boisterous manner will be punished/asked to leave school.
  10. Pupils are expected to be honest and respect the rights of others. They are not supposed to take away books or other articles which do not belong to them.
  11. School property wilfully damaged or destroyed will be required to be made good. The cost of repairs will be borne by the pupils concerned.
  12. Physical Education and Games are a compulsory part of the curriculum
  13. Our Co-Curricular activities are:
    • Dramatics
    • Elocution
    • Art and Craft Exhibition
    • Class excursions
    • FlowerExhibition
    • Science Exhibitions
    • Sports and Games
  14. Duplicate copies of Transfer Certificate are not issued.
  15. Each pupil's belongings are to be properly marked for easy identification
  16. Pupils are expected to take care of school property and any damage to it will result in the imposition of a fine or the replacement of the item.
  17. Pupils are not to bring valuables to school. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss of personal items. Wristwatches should not be worn.
  18. Courtesy and respect are the key aspects of pupils' behavior. Disrespect and disobedience may result in disciplinary action involving suspension or even expulsion.
  19. Punctuality is essential and pupils must report to school on time. Once they come to school they are not permitted to go out of the campus. Habitual latecomers are liable to face disciplinary action.
  20. Absence from school should be explained in the appropriate manner.
  21. If a pupil's absence for more than three days is on account of illness a medical certificate should be forwarded to the school.
  22. A pupil suffering from a contagious disease or illness like chickenpox, mumps, measles or influenza is not to be sent to school till the quarantine period is over. Fitness Certificate from the medical practitioner along with a leave letter to the Principal must be submitted on the pupil’s return.
  23. Applications for long-term leave of absence must be submitted in writing, in advance to the Principal. It may be noted that the pupil is to make up for missed work.
  24. Parents of pupils of KG - 1 to Grade 10 are to ensure that the identification cards provided by the school are worn by the child daily.
  25. Parents are requested to check the school diary regularly and to personally acknowledge the receipt of circulars.
  26. It may be noted that any student found guilty of repeated misbehavior in school may be suspended by the Principal.
  27. The use of unfair means during assessments or examinations will constitute a serious violation of school rules. Immediate action will be taken against the offender.

Parent - Teacher Interaction

Believing that parents and teachers are partners in the educational process, the school invites parents to interact with the school in the following ways:

  1. Using SMA Schoolbook as a communication tool.
  2. Attending Parent-Teacher Meetings which provide a venue for a better understanding of the child’s academic and overall development.
  3. Attending School Functions.
  4. Meeting the Principal for discussions as per visiting hours of the school or by prior appointment.
  5. Responding to notices put up on SMA Schoolbook and keeping track of the child’s progress.

Recommendations to the Parents

  1. The school expects the cooperation of the parents to ensure:
    1. That the children come to school regularly, punctually and neatly dressed.
    2. That the children bring to school their books and exercise books which are to be maintained properly.
    3. That the children do their homework regularly.
    4. That the child brings his / her diary every day to school.
    5. That the homework is signed every day.
    6. To attend the P.T.A. meetings as scheduled.
  2. Parents are requested to sign their child's reports and any other information communicated by the teacher as a proof that they have gone through the reports. Failure to do this may cause inconvenience.
  3. Parents are particularly expected to sign the reports or any other similar documents when so requested. Failure to do so may put your children at great inconvenience as teachers are instructed to send the children home to get their reports signed.
  4. When parents are requested to see the principal regarding any complaint, they should comply as early as possible.
  5. All correspondence should be carried out through the school office addressed to the Principal. When writing to the school regarding their children, parents should mention the names and standard In which the pupil is studying.
  6. Parents / Guardians are not allowed to see pupils or interview teachers during class hours without the permission of the Head of the school.
  7. Parents and guardians are specially requested to adhere to the school rules and regulations and help the school to enforce discipline and regularity to build good habits and character in their children.
  8. Parents / Guardians are requested to notify the school of any change in address or telephone number.
  9. Parents, please help us in the economic drive by enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope when asking for any information from the office by post.
  10. Parents / Guardians are requested to read all rules and see that their child/ward adheres to them carefully.
  11. Pupils may be required to take part in various school activities and when required to do so participation will be deemed compulsory by the school.



  1. Tests will be conducted every month according to the scheduled timetable.
  2. The average marks of the monthly tests, half-yearly and final examination will be considered for promotion.
  3. A pupil who is absent for any Test or Examination will on no account be re-tested.
  4. Cheating in an examination may result in either a Zero in the subject or if repeated, dismissal from the school.
  5. No student will be allowed to go home after appearing for a test.
  6. In the event of weekly tests/assessments having to be postponed owing to unavoidable circumstances, they will be conducted on the first working day after that unless otherwise intimated.
  7. Failure in English will result in detention preceded by three strict warnings that will be strictly observed.
  8. A pupil who fails consecutively twice in the same class will have to leave the school.


  1. Rules for promotion will be as per I.C.S.E. Regulations.
  2. Promotions are decided on the pupil's progress throughout the year, based on the continuous assessment and examinations.
  3. Failure in the whole result may be due to:
    1. Failure in The English language,
    2. Failure in two or more compulsory subjects.
  4. Promotions once refused will not be reconsidered under any circumstances. A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory for promotion.



  1. Foundation classes for sound education are the Nursery, Preparatory, Classes I and II. Parents must realize how important it is that children should not be distracted in the regular, planned routine of their lessons.
  2. No child may leave the school premises during the working hours of the school without the permission of the Principal.
  3. In the case of sickness, intimation must be given to the office immediately. Absence over three days requires a fitness and medical certificate.
  4. Students should not be kept away from school except for illness. Children often miss important work when they are absent. Tuition can never really make up for class work missed. All applications for tuition must be routed through the principal.
  5. If an appointment is made with a doctor, the pupil must not be sent to school on that day.
  6. The Principal reserves the right to refuse leave of absence for festivals, weddings and other ceremonies at home if it interferes with the pupil's work in school or hampers the school discipline.
  7. Parents are requested to adjust their programmes of leaving the station, etc., so as to coincide with the holidays of the school and thus reduce to an absolute minimum the need for absence on school days which is always detrimental to the smooth running and discipline of the school.
  8. Attending weddings and other functions outside the station during school time interferes with the routine and school discipline. Parents are requested not to take students with them to attend these functions.
  9. The date of opening and closing of the school must be strictly observed. 10. Students returning to school late may have their names struck off the school rolls.


  1. No leaving certificate will be issued unless the parent or guardian makes a request in writing in the prescribed form provided at the back of the diary.
  2. One clear calendar month's notice of withdrawal is required. If one month's notice is not given before the term finishes or begins, then a Term's fee following that in which the child is withdrawn will be charged.
  • All fees once paid are non refundable.
  • The caution deposit is refundable. Must be claimed within one month of child leaving the school on producing original receipt

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